
Posts Tagged ‘run’

Do you ever feel those last two days/weeks/months have been everything BUT healthy? no exercise, a lot of “specials”… And at this point, getting back on track seems almost impossible – especially that first step, right?

Well, I’ve got news (or just a reminder) for you: not only is it “possible”, but it’s actually very doable!

Step #1:
Acknowledge that it starts Here and Now. Not tomorrow after that business trip of yours.

Step #2: Identify that barrier between you and your exercise: is it physical, psychological or a hibrid of both?

  • Ex: It’s been three days  I have not exercised at all and have not been eating well to say the least – I STILL feel full and bloated, etc. Even my daily gigantic water intake was out the window!
    Needless to explain how I feel… but it’d be pretty close to an old, dried-up, very slow… something!
    Just the thought of going on a 5 miles run seems to be straight out of a Fairy Tale/Fantasy book… Heck, I’m not even sure I could do a mile right now!
    As sad and pathetic as this is, I KNOW I don’t have a choice: the more I wait, the harder it’s gonna be, and quite frankly, I can’t bare the thought of anything harder than that, so onto phase #3!

Step #3: Fix it, step by step!

Here’s what I’m gonna do:

  1. Pick up my dear bottle of water and never let it leave my side… ever again! (OK – maybe just for the next couple of days)
  2. Go for a walk with my new BFF Aquafina. That will make me realize my legs are still capable of moving (thank god!) and well it’s a great way to fill that lunch hour!
  3. Finally, I feel almost ready to tackle the monster: I lace-up my running shoes, do 10-20 push-ups to get the blood flowing (really it just makes me feel really BAD-ASS!!) and head-out the door… Without giving a chance to my mind to convince me otherwise! I’m not going all out, just a nice and short run is enough to get my motivation back on track so tomorrow I’ll have a great souvenir of it and will want to do it all-over again!

OK: I talk the talk, now onto walking the walk! – Literally 😉

What are your “Back on Track” stories and tricks?

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This weekend, other than being the Superbowl party, I was supposed to have a race. The Dirty Dog 10k Trail Run. I was very excited for it, because it’s not one of those race where I’d try to set a PR, but really it was all about enjoying the frozen forest, the trails and the landscape. Breath in the cold air in the nature where city noises can’t reach… Well I just found out (totally my fault) that it is 1 hour and a half away from here. And I don’t have a car. So bye bye trail race in the mud/snow/forest, I’ll have to find a closer one. Which is most likely to be just a regular on the road race… I’ll still go on a long run this saturday in the frozen winter landscapes… sigh…

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Ouch, so this past week was a definite flop when it comes to working out. I got sick with a pretty bad cold which stuck to me like bad weather sticks to Cleveland… Hahaha, I couldn’t help it 🙂 On Saturday, I went for a short run (3,7 miles), and I was so sore afterward… which is NOT normal, so I’m easing back into it this week. Here’s a 34 day workout plan that I shall follow religiously:

34: 45 Cycle (noon) & LB+Abs (no cycling but 50min DVD UB+LB+Abs.)
33: SR 3,7 miles + Abs (and it’s done! rough run though, since I was VERY sore from yesterday’s DVD)
32: TM Sprints & Abs+UB (I have to explain: recovering from that cold seems to be harder for my body than I thought. I am more sore than ever even after what I’d consider light exercise… so I had to give my body a rest today! Still did a 45min walk and abs)
31: PR 5 miles + Abs (Still recovering !?!?!? but I did do Abs!)
30: Off! (sat) (Short 3 miles run and Abs)

—- This week is off… but the next will be back on track 🙂
29: EP 30 & Abs+UB —– 01/24/10 (Exercise TV 40 min. “Rock Hard Total Body” w/ Marco Reed  + Abs)
28: LR 7 miles + Abs (2 miles + Abs.. Busy, sore, and getting back into it)
27: SM or TM 30 & LB+Abs (6 miles)
26: SR 4 miles + Abs (No More Trouble Zone DVD + Abs and 5 min. TM cool down)
25: TM Tempo (45 min) & Abs+UB (TM Tempo 45 [15-20-10 ] 5.2miles + Abs + 30 push-ups)
24: PR 4 miles (TM 4 miles + 30 plyo)
23: Off! (Mall walking… no really just shopping! ;-))

22: EP 30 & Abs+UB —— 01/31/10 (No More Trouble Zones DVD + Abs + 35 Plyo)
21: LR 6.5 miles + Abs (Blah!)
20: Cycle45 (noon) & Abs+LB (6.5 miles + Abs + Plyo)
19: SR 3,7 miles + Abs (EP20 + No More Trouble Zones DVD)
18: TM Sprints & Abs + Plyos (TM 30 sprints & Abs + Plyos)
17: 4.5miles + Abs (4.5 miles, legs are stiff)
16: BK 30 (easy)

15: Superbowl!! DVD —— 02/07/10
14: LR 7 miles & Abs+UB
13: EP30 &  DVD
12: SR 4.5 miles + Abs
11: TM Sprints & Abs+UB
10: PR 3,7 miles + Abs
09: Off!

08: EP30 & Abs+UB —— 02/14/10
07: LR8 miles + Abs
06: SM 30 & Abs+LB
05: SR 4 miles
04: TM Tempo 45 & Abs+UB
03: PR 5 miles + Abs
02: Off!

01: LR 9 miles + Abs
00: Off to Puerto Rico!!!!

Yes, you read that right, I’m going to Puerto Rico!!! I am so excited, since it will be my first tropical vacation EVER! I’ll make sure to post some pictures when the time comes 🙂

– Kloé

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